We develop your full potential

We focus on recruiting and retaining talented people with the right values, and investing in their development. We guide and support employees and encourage them to continually gain new skills and experiences.

Our people are given room to experiment and grow to help them forge new paths and find new ways of doing things to the benefit of themselves, our clients and the firm as a whole.

At ICS Partners, we encourage our people to move out of their comfort zone, and our international assignment programme helps foster that. We Believe our assignments helps open their eyes to different cultures, ideas and ways to approach clients and engagements. Not only do they broaden their perspectives, but also their experiences and areas of expertise, and importantly their network within our professional network, as well as externally, with clients and other contacts they meet during their time abroad.

We offer the opportunity to take on assignments all around our network in all lines of service. And we of course welcome assignees from our network.